Bylaws to Article 3: Full, Associate, Regional, and Provisional Members
Application for Full Membership
Submission of Application
- An organisation (NDSF) seeking full membership must submit a written application.
- The application should use the prescribed form outlined in Appendix 1.
- The application is to be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer.
Provisional Approval
- After receiving the application, the Chief Executive Officer consults with the Legal Commission.
- Following this consultation, the application is presented to the Executive Board for provisional approval.
Provisional Membership
- The applicant organisation may be granted provisional membership upon provisional approval by the Executive Board.
- This provisional membership status allows the organisation certain privileges and rights.
Definitive Admission
- The application for full membership is presented for definitive admission at the organisation's Congress.
Voting Process
- Full membership is granted by a simple majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote in Congress.
- Alternatively, if the organisation is not ready to grant full membership, provisional membership may be extended by the Congress for up to two additional periods of two years each, until the next Congress.
Expiration of Provisional Membership
- If full membership is not granted and provisional membership is not extended, the provisional membership automatically expires.
Submission of Application
Application for Associate Membership
- Only one International Sports Federation (IDSF) per sport can be admitted as an Associate Member.
Submission of Application
- An International Sports Federation (IDSF) seeking associate membership needs to submit a written application.
- The application should use the prescribed form outlined in Appendix 2.
- The application is to be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer.
Provisional Approval
- After receiving the application, the Chief Executive Officer consults with the Legal Commission.
- Following this consultation, the application is presented to the Executive Board for provisional approval.
Provisional Membership
- Upon provisional approval by the Executive Board, the IDSF may be granted provisional membership.
- This provisional membership status allows the IDSF certain privileges and rights within the organisation.
Agreement on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- IDSF, with provisional membership, has a period of up to three years to agree on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Executive Board.
- The MOU outlines the terms and conditions for the IDSF's definitive membership and recognition from the organisation for their respective sport.
Definitive Admission
- Once the conditions set out in Bylaws 2.3 (presumably relating to the MOU) are met, an application for associate membership is presented for definitive admission at the next Congress.
Voting Process
- Associate membership is granted by a simple majority vote of members present and entitled to vote in Congress.
- Alternatively, the Congress may extend provisional membership for up to two additional periods of two years each until the next Congress.
Expiration of Provisional Membership
- If the associate membership is not granted and provisional membership is not extended, the provisional membership automatically expires.
Application for Regional Membership
- Only a Regional Deaf Sports Confederation can be admitted as a Regional Member.
Submission of Application
- A Regional Deaf Sports Confederation seeking regional membership needs to submit a written application.
- The application should use the prescribed form outlined in Appendix 2.
- The application is to be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer.
Provisional Approval
- After receiving the application, the Chief Executive Officer consults with the Legal Commission.
- Following this consultation, the application is presented to the Executive Board for provisional approval.
Provisional Membership
- Upon provisional approval by the Executive Board, the Regional Deaf Sports Confederation may be granted provisional membership.
- This provisional membership status allows the Regional Deaf Sports Confederation certain privileges and rights within the organisation.
Voting Process
- Regional Membership is granted by a simple majority vote of members present and entitled to vote in Congress.
- Alternatively, the Congress may extend provisional membership for up to two additional periods of two years each until the next Congress.
Expiration of Provisional Membership
- If the Regional Membership is not granted and provisional membership is not extended, the provisional membership automatically expires.
Suspension Procedure
Grounds for Suspension
The Executive Board can consider the suspension of a Member under two circumstances:
- Repeated failure to pay outstanding fees, levies, and debts due to ICSD and third parties related to ICSD and its events.
- Non-compliance with all the obligations of membership as defined in the ICSD Constitution or other ICSD regulations.
The Executive Board can consider the suspension of a Member under two circumstances:
Right to Be Heard
- Before any decision to suspend a Member, the Member has the right to present its case in person or in writing.
- However, once under suspension, the Member loses all other rights and privileges granted under the ICSD Constitution and/or other ICSD Regulations.
Voting Process
- A suspension of a Member requires a simple majority vote of the members of the Executive Board.
Review and Continuation of Suspension
- If the suspension initially exceeds two consecutive years, the Executive Board must reconsider to either continue or discontinue the suspension.
- A simple majority vote of the members in the Executive Board confirms the continued suspension of a Member.
Lifting of Suspension
- The suspension is lifted once the Executive Board determines that the Member complies with all its conditions and obligations under the ICSD Constitution and other ICSD regulations.
Communication of Suspension
- The Secretariat is responsible for informing all Members about the suspensions and lifting of suspensions of the Members.
Grounds for Suspension
The Ordinary and the Extraordinary Congress
Chairperson of the Congress
- The Chairperson of the Congress shall be the ICSD President or her/his designate.
- The Chairperson of the Congress shall declare the opening and closing of each meeting of the Congress and control the business of the Congress including granting the right to speak, ruling on points of order, putting proposals to the vote, and announcing decisions.
- The agenda shall be agreed with the adoption of its contents at the beginning of the meeting.
- There shall not be any discussion of any proposal that is not on the agreed agenda unless there is a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Members present and entitled to vote in agreement of its addition to the agenda prior its adoption at the beginning of the meeting.
- Proposals will be debated in the order in which they appear on the agenda.
Right to Speak at the Congress
- The mover of the original proposal shall speak first at the start of the debate on the proposal.
- All other Members shall have the right to speak once on each proposal except when they wish to raise a point of order or move an amendment to a proposal.
- Only the mover of the original proposal shall have a right of reply at the conclusion of any debate and immediately before any vote.
Point of Order at the Congress
- A point of order may arise when a delegate wishes to raise a possible breach of an article or some other aspect of the ICSD Constitution occurring during the business of the Congress.
- A delegate may move a point of order, and the point of order shall be determined by the Congress Chairperson in accordance with the ICSD Constitution, Bylaws, codes, rules, or regulations.
- The Chairperson of the Congress may consult with the Legal Commission before ruling on a point of order. Rulings from the Congress Chairperson on a point of order shall be final.
Amendment to a Proposal at the Congress
- Any Member in attendance at the Congress may suggest an amendment to the proposal under debate. The amended proposal shall be seconded by another Full or Associate Member in attendance at the Congress.
- An amended proposal that is seconded will immediately be put to a vote by the Chairperson of the Congress.
- An amended proposal approved by a simple majority vote shall immediately replace the original version of the proposal.
Method of Voting at the Congress
- Voting should always be carried out by secret ballot, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality in the voting process.
- Before the voting takes place, a predefined voting procedure should be established and communicated to all members. This procedure should outline the steps for casting votes, counting ballots, resolving disputes, and announcing the results.
Electronic or Paper-Based Voting:
- Members can cast their votes either electronically or via paper ballots, depending on the chosen method specified in the predefined voting procedure.
- If electronic voting is utilised, secure and reliable electronic voting systems should be implemented to ensure the integrity of the voting process.
- If paper-based voting is preferred, appropriate measures should be taken to collect, handle, and count the paper ballots securely.
- In a tie, the ICSD President has the authority to cast the deciding vote, except to break a deadlock.
The following is a breakdown of the two (2) categories of votes, excluding votes for persons:
- For: These votes express support or agreement with a particular proposal, idea, or decision.
- Against: These votes indicate opposition or disagreement with a particular proposal, idea, or decision.
Each member has a vote. To be valid and counted, a vote:
- may not be cast by proxy; and
- may not be an abstention, or left blank, or spoiled.
Scrutineers at the Congress
- Scrutineers are individuals appointed beforehand to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest.
- The appointment of scrutineers is the responsibility of the President. Scrutineers must be non-voting observers at the Congress and citizens of a different country than the Congress Chairperson and the election candidates.
- The scrutineers shall ensure that only eligible Members vote and that the number of votes cast does not exceed the number entitled to be cast.
- The scrutineers shall count the votes and hand the result to the Chairperson of the Congress who shall announce the decision to the Congress.
Minutes of the Congress
- The Secretariat shall prepare the minutes of the Congress.
- The minutes shall be approved by the Congress Chairperson before it is released to Members.
- The approved minutes shall be distributed to Members no later than four (4) months after the conclusion of the Congress.
- The approved minutes shall be ratified by a simple majority vote of Members present and entitled to vote at the next Congress.
- After its ratification by the next Congress, the minutes shall be uploaded on the ICSD website.
Chairperson of the Congress
Nominations and Elections
Nominations to the Executive Board
- The Secretariat shall administer nominations to the Executive Board.
- Four (4) months prior to the Congress to be held after the Summer Deaflympics in the same year, the Members shall be invited to nominate individuals to the Executive Board.
Written Nominations
- Nominations must be submitted in writing.
- Each nomination must be accompanied by a letter of support from at least one Full Member of the organisation.
The nomination package should include:
- A summary of the nominated individual's education.
- Professional history.
- Job qualifications.
- A photocopy of their passport.
- A criminal background check.
- Any supporting materials such as resumes, certificates, and references.
- The nomination package should also contain a statement of up to two hundred (200) words wherein the nominee describes their vision and goals for the organisation (ICSD).
- Nominations in video format must be presented in International Sign with a maximum duration of three (3) minutes.
- A nominated individual must be able to meet the requirements of the ICSD Code of Ethics.
- Nominations shall state the position of the Executive Board the individual is nominated for, and an individual can only be nominated for one (1) position.
- Nominations shall be closed three (3) months prior to the Congress. The Legal Commission shall review each nomination to ensure it is compliant and that the nominated individual is eligible to stand for election.
- At least one (1) month before the date of the Congress, the eligible nominations and supporting materials shall be published and circulated to the Members.
Conduct of the Elections to the Executive Board
Elections to the Executive Board shall take place by secret ballot at the Congress in the following order:
- ICSD President
- Vice President
- Four (4) members-at-large
- Prior to the commencement of the elections, a member of the Legal Commission shall be appointed as the Chairperson of the elections (the “Elections Chairperson”) and shall be advised by another member of the Legal Commission.
- For each position to be filled by election the Elections Chairperson shall introduce the candidates to the Congress and distribute electronic and paper ballots listing all candidates in alphabetical order by family name.
Elections to the Executive Board shall take place by secret ballot at the Congress in the following order:
Campaigning Rules
- Candidates should be afforded equal access to members and resources for campaigning purposes. The ICSD should ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to communicate their platforms and qualifications to the membership on the website.
- Candidates should conduct their campaigns with integrity and adhere to ethical standards set forth by the association. This may include refraining from making false or misleading statements about opponents and respectfully conducting campaigns.
- Candidates should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise if they are elected to the board. This includes any financial interests, relationships, or affiliations that could influence their decision-making on behalf of the ICSD.
- Candidates should not misuse association resources for campaign purposes. This includes using association email lists, social media accounts, or other resources without authorisation.
- Candidates should be allowed to campaign for their election to the Executive Board up until the start of the Congress and to present their candidature for the Executive Board up to five (5) minutes during the election at the Congress.
- Each Member shall vote by placing a suitable mark on the ballot paper alongside the name of the candidate they wish to elect.
- Every ballot paper that in the opinion of the scrutineers sufficiently discloses the voter’s intended choice shall be counted.
- 12.48 The scrutineers shall count the votes before handing the result to the Elections Chairperson, who shall announce the result to the Congress.
Election of the ICSD President
- Members can only vote for one (1) candidate each in the election of the ICSD President.
- If more than one (1) round of voting are necessary, the candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes will not stand for the next round of voting.
- In the event of a tie in the final round of voting, there shall be up to two (2) additional rounds of voting to try and break the tie.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
Election of the Vice President
- Members can only vote for one (1) candidate each in the election of the Vice President.
- The candidate with the highest number of votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the Vice President.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
Election of the Members-at-large
- Members can only vote for one of candidates each in the election of the Members-at-large.
- The four (4) candidates with the highest, second highest, third highest, and the fourth highest number of votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the Members-at-large.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
- Affirmative steps must be taken to prevent any undue influence or favouritism-based nationality.
- Members have the right to raise objections or challenge the results if they believe nationality-based biases have affected the outcome
- Candidates must disclose any afflictions or interests that may compromise their impartiality in the election.
Expenses of the Executive Board
- Travel expenses (e.g., airfare, train fare, mileage reimbursement) to at least one (1) Executive Board physical meeting and ICSD Congress for each voting Executive Board member, except for ICSD President, shall be the responsibility of his/her national deaf sports federation.
- Accommodation and meals/per diem expenses to at least one (1) Executive Board physical meeting and ICSD Congress for each voting Executive Board member, include ICSD President, shall be the responsibility of ICSD.
- Authorised expenses may include travel expenses (e.g., airfare, train fare, mileage reimbursement), lodging, meals, conference registration fees, and other necessary expenses directly related to association activities. Board members must seek approval before incurring expenses. Board members must provide detailed documentation for all expenses incurred, including receipts, invoices, and other supporting documentation.
- Non-voting members (Regional Deaf Sports Confederations shall be responsible for travel expenses (e.g., airfare, train fare, mileage reimbursement), lodging, meals, conference registration fees, and other necessary expenses directly related to association activities.
- Each Executive Board member's travel, accommodation, and meal expenses to attend Deaflympics, or World Championships shall be the organising committee's responsibility for the event duration. Board members must seek approval from the organising committee before incurring expenses. Board members must provide detailed documentation for all expenses incurred, including receipts, invoices, and other supporting documentation.
Minutes of the Executive Board Meetings
- The Secretariat shall prepare the minutes of each Executive Board meeting within four (4) weeks of the meeting taking place.
- The Executive Board shall have a period of up to one (1) week to amend and approve the meeting minutes.
- A summary of the approved meeting minutes shall be distributed by online management system to Members within six (6) weeks of the meeting taking place.
Nominations to the Executive Board
ICSD Sport Directors
Roles and responsibilities of the Sport Directors
- The Sport Directors shall lead their respective sport in accordance with the ICSD vision, mission, objects, and goals and shall act in a professional and ethical manner at all times.
- The Sport Directors shall report to the Vice President - Sports and shall provide support and advice to the Sports Commission and the Secretariat.
- The Sport Directors shall oversee all aspects of competition organisation, management and delivery for their sport and shall liaise with the local organising committees with copy to the ICSD Secretariat.
- The Sport Directors shall manage the relationship between ICSD and the ISF for their sport and keep abreast of all changes to the rules and regulations in the ISFs with copy to the ICSD Secretariat.
- The Sport Directors shall maintain the ICSD sports regulations for their respective sport and approve world records where applicable with the ICSD Secretariat.
- Sport Directors shall remain one (1) extra day after the conclusion of the Deaflympics or World Championships to prepare a technical report to the Executive Board.
- The Sport Directors shall provide for their respective sport an electronic copy of a full list of participants, results, and world records where applicable no later than one (1) month after the conclusion of the Deaflympics or World Deaf Championships to the Secretariat.
Appointment of the Sport Director
- The Secretariat shall administer applications to the Sport Director roles.
- Vacant positions for the Sport Director roles shall be advertised and circulated to the Members after the conclusion of the Summer and Winter Deaflympics.
- Applications shall be made in writing with a letter of support from at least one (1) Full or Associate Member and shall include a summary of the applicant’s competition history, sports management experience, sports qualifications, a photocopy of their passport, a criminal background check, and any supporting material such as resumes, certificates and references.
- A nominated individual must be able to meet the requirements of the ICSD Code of Ethics.
- The Vice President - Sports shall review all applications, interview the applicants, and make recommendations to the Executive Board for their consideration and approval.
- The new Sport Directors appointed for a term of four (4) years shall be announced three (3) months after the conclusion of the Summer or Winter Deaflympics.
Expenses of the Sport Directors
- Each Sport Director's travel, accommodation, and meal expenses for site inspections for the Deaflympics or the World Championships shall be the responsibility of the organising committee. Authorised expenses may include travel expenses (e.g., airfare, train fare, mileage reimbursement), lodging, meals, conference registration fees, and other necessary expenses directly related to association activities. Sport Directors must seek approval before incurring expenses. Sport Directors must provide detailed documentation for all expenses incurred, including receipts, invoices, and other supporting documentation.
Roles and responsibilities of the Sport Directors
Athletes Commission
Nomination to the Athletes Commission
- The Secretariat shall administer nominations to the Athletes Commission.
- Four (4) months prior to the Summer and/or Winter Deaflympics, an invitation for active Deaf Athletes to nominate for a position on the Athletes Commission shall be advertised and circulated to the Members.
Conduct of the Elections to the Athletes Commission
- Each Deaf Athlete holding an Athletes Accreditation (AA) at the Deaflympics during which the election takes place, will have the right to vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed.
- Elections to the Athletes Commission shall be conducted online and kept confidential during the Deaflympics.
- An internet connection must be provided at the Deaflympics Village and/or Headquarters by the host of the Deaflympics for the duration of the event.
- If an internet connection cannot be provided, then elections to the Athletes Commission shall take place by secret ballot in voting booths provided at the Deaflympics Village and Headquarters for the duration of the Deaflympics.
- Each Deaf Athlete with an AA shall vote by placing a suitable mark on the ballot paper alongside the name of the candidate they wish to elect.
- Scrutineers shall ensure the only eligible Deaf Athletes with an AA vote and that the number of votes cast does not exceed the number entitled to be cast.
- Each ballot paper that in the opinion of the scrutineers sufficiently discloses the voter’s intended choice shall be counted.
- The scrutineers shall count the votes in the presence of the Secretariat and hand the result to the ICSD President, who shall announce the result at the Deaflympics Closing Ceremony.
Election of the Athletes Commission members
- Deaf Athletes with an AA shall elect four (4) candidates from the Summer Deaflympics, and one (1) candidate from the Winter Deaflympics.
- Each candidate must be an active Deaf Athlete at the time of the election.
- Deaf Athletes with an AA shall vote for one candidate each in the election of the Athletes Commission members.
- The four (4) candidates from the Summer Deaflympics with the highest, second highest, third highest, and fourth highest number of votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the Athletes Commission members.
- The one (1) candidate from the Winter Deaflympics with the highest number of votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the Athletes Commission member.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
- Vacancies on the Athletes Commission occurring for any reason may be filled at the next election.
Election of the Chairperson of the Athletes Commission
- One (1) week after the Summer and/or Winter Deaflympics, the ICSD Secretariat shall circulate to the elected Athlete Commission members a nomination form for the election of the Chairperson of the Athletes Commission.
- Candidates for the position of the Chairperson shall return the completed form two (2) weeks after the date of the circulation by the ICSD Secretariat, and two (2) weeks prior to the election.
- The Executive Board shall formally confirm to the individual candidate receipt of the nomination.
- The election process is conducted via a secret ballot, where the identity of the voter is kept confidential.
- The ISCD Secretariat shall provide each eligible voter with a blank ballot paper or electronic ballot with the names of the candidates.
- Voters shall mark their choice in private without disclosing it to others.
- The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the designated as the recipient of the completed secret ballots.
- The CEO shall encourage voters to mark their choice in private without disclosing it to others.
- Voters shall submit their sealed envelopes to the CEO a confidential mailing address.
- The CEO should act as the custodian of the ballots, ensuring their safekeeping and confidentiality.
- Upon receiving the sealed envelopes containing the completed ballots, the CEO should store them securely until the voting period concludes.
- The CEO should not open or tamper with the sealed envelopes containing the ballots until the designated time for counting and tabulation.
- At the conclusion of the voting period, convene an independent election committee or designated officials to oversee the counting and tabulation of the ballots.
- The CEO can provide the sealed envelopes containing the ballots to the election committee while maintaining their confidentiality.
- The election committee should count the votes in a transparent and impartial manner, ensuring accuracy and fairness.
- The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the position of the Chairperson of the ICSD Athletes Commission.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
- Once the votes have been counted and tabulated, the election committee should announce the results to the relevant stakeholders.
- The CEO can officially declare the elected members-at-large based on the outcome of the secret ballot election.
Nomination to the Athletes Commission
Ethics Commission
Nomination and conduct of the elections to the Ethics Commission
- The Secretariat shall administer nominations to the Ethics Commission.
- The Articles of the Bylaws on the nomination and the conduct of the election to the Executive Board are applicable by analogy to the Ethics Commission.
Election of the Ethics Commission members and ICSD Ethics Officer
- Members shall vote for one candidate each in the election of the Ethics Commission officer and members.
- The two (2) candidates with the highest, and second highest, of votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the Ethics Commission members.
- The candidate with the highest votes from one (1) round of voting will be declared the ICSD Ethics Officer.
- Should the tie remain after the additional rounds of voting, the Chairperson may choose to hold a re-vote or runoff election with the candidates who received the highest number of votes in the initial election.
- Vacancies on the Ethics Commission occurring for any reason may be filled at the next election
Nomination and conduct of the elections to the Ethics Commission
Expenses of the Commission members
Responsibility ICSD
- Each Commission member's travel, accommodation, and meal expenses, if necessary, shall be the responsibility of the ISCD. Authorised expenses may include travel expenses (e.g., airfare, train fare, mileage reimbursement), lodging, meals, conference registration fees, and other necessary expenses directly related to association activities.
Approval of ICSD
- Commission members must seek approval of the ICSD Executive Board before incurring expenses. Commission members must provide detailed documentation for all expenses incurred, including receipts, invoices, and other supporting documentation.
Responsibility ICSD
Membership Fees
- Full, Associate and Regional Members shall pay an annual membership fee at an amount to be determined by the Congress.
- If a federation is granted Full, Associate or Regional membership in the course of a business year, it shall pay a membership fee proportional to the remaining part of that year.
- Annual membership fees shall be payable by 31 March of each calendar year. Where payments are made by bank transfer, then the Member shall pay any bank charges that are incurred by such a transaction.
- Interest shall be payable for late payments after 31 March at a rate to be determined by the ICSD schedule of fees. The interest shall be calculated based on the original balance.
- All other levies and fees shall be payable within sixty (60) days of their imposition.
Membership Fees
Dispute Resolution
Complaint Handling Procedures
- This section applies to all disputes from the ICSD Constitution regulations and any ICSD (and/or its bodies) decisions, including election disputes.
- Grievances can be submitted by email, a dedicated online form, or in-person submissions, and they should be sent to the Chief Executive Officer.
- Grievances should be filed within 30 days of the dispute.
- Offer of Conciliation:
- The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee may offer conciliation to the members involved in the dispute.
- Conciliation is an informal process to facilitate communication and reach a mutually agreeable resolution.
- If attempts to resolve the matter through conciliation in one meeting are unsuccessful, both parties agree to submit to mediation.
- A member of the Board from outside the area where the dispute has arisen is designated as the sole mediator.
- The mediator's decision to resolve the dispute is final before the member can file a formal complaint with the Tribunal Commission.
Complaint Handling Procedures
Consideration of Recommendations from Legal Commission
- Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted to the Legal Commission by the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board is obliged to consider recommendations from the Legal Commission regarding the organisation’s bylaws. Once considered, the Executive Board must present the approved bylaws to the members at least three (3) months before the Congress.
Amendment Restriction Before Congress
- The Executive Board is prohibited from amending the bylaws at least three (3) months before the Congress.
Consideration of Recommendations from Legal Commission
Bylaws to article 7: Congress of ICSD
Bylaws to article 8: Executive Board of ICSD
Bylaws to article 9: ICSD Sport Directors
Bylaws to article 10: Commissions of ICSD
Bylaws to article 13: Finances
Bylaws to article 15: Dispute Resolution
Bylaws to article 17: Amendments
Updated: 1 June 2024